It wasn't too bad. It was variable thoughout. The entrance was super steep. maybe 60 degrees. Then after about 5 feet it went to about 55 for about 100 - 150 feet. It was about 6 ft wide through there. It then opened up. All of the above kiing was a dense packed snow...kinda chalky.
Then it opened up and was a weird wind packed, easily breakable crust. So it was kinda powder skiing?! then the last 1/4 of it was a dense packe powder again. All and all the skiing actually was pretty good.
It was one hell of a climb and ski though. very tiring.
I think we really lucked out and got the last easy access to whitetail for the year. The skin from the trail was great. Easy traveling, but as we were coming out of there, the snow was in a super isothermal state. sinking up to our thighs at points and the amount of snow that melted within 1 day was incredible. I think the trail would be very patchy by now although with the snow this past week who knows....i think it wouod be pretty tough though.
As far as how we got there....the gates to w fork rock creek opened that friday 4/15. we drove as far as my truck could go, then snowmobiled to the end of the road (trailhead). skinned from there.