This trip report is one I have been looking forward to putting together for a long time. I first saw this line a few years back and have been trying to get 'er done since. I am not into the whole first descents thing, but I think it is safe to say that this line has never been skied before due to private access.
With avalanche conditions being low earlier and 10 inches of fresh snow, I knew that it was time for a fourth attempt. My regular partners were busy this weekend, so I recruited my bro, Perry, all the way from the Black Hills. We hooked up with Jonathan who lives above our ranch. A big thanks to him for putting in a lot of the skin track before we arrived. It was just one of those amazing days with old friends, new friends, and an amazing line.
Apologies to Tom Turiano, Matt Lloyd, and Steve Romeo for not waiting for you guys. It isn't going anywhere and I would love to do it again with bluebird skies.
The coveted line. Ramshorn Peak Couloir:

Ramshorn Peak Couloir picture from a previous trip:

It was a sweet three mile snowmobile ride into our place:

Our digs for the night with plenty of food, beer, and water:

Jonathan skinning up the base of the Ramshorn Peak Couloir:

Bottom of the couloir:

View of the area:

Jonathan and PJ checked out the snowpack with 15 inches of fresh on ice:

Wysplit setting the bootpack:

PJ and Jonathan on the stairmaster:

The couloir ends at cliffs directly beneath the true summit. A view of the summit cliffs:

Three miles later, 1600 vert of couloir, time to reap the rewards. 15 inches of fresh snow on top of ice and hardpack meant major sluff management. Every steep section broke out and sluffed leaving ice for the next person. Wysplit on the down low:

Jonathan killed it on his skinny "work" skis. They must be at least 80 mm at the tip:

Perry getting in on the fun:

The Ramshorn Couloir in and out of the clouds and snow:

A view of our line and stoke from Jonathan's place. Wysplit loading up to go back to the ranch:

Back at the ranch. Way better than a pay out of the rear yurt trip:

Wysplit approves!