Cub Creek approach to Silvertip

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Cub Creek approach to Silvertip

Post by TomTuriano »


My friend Scott McGee informed me that the Cub Creek fire of 2003 has made the approach to Silvertip more difficult and dirty than in the recent past.

However, I still believe it is one of the best ways into Silvertip. Scott says that when you reach the forks of Cub Creek, start up the dividing ridge between the forks for about a third of a mile, and then traverse on ramps on the right (south) side of the ridge until the upper basin of Cub Creek south fork is reached. The gut of Cub Creek south fork is not recommended.

I'm thinking also that it might not be too bad to first climb Avalanche Peak from Sylvan Pass, and then continue along the ridge through Crow Creek Pass and up to Silvertip that way.

Incidentally, Scott and Diane climbed Silvertip in the afternoon of day one after setting up camp at Crow Creek Pass. Then on day two, they climbed Avalanche via its northwest ridge, and back to their car at Cub Creek.

Rangers are pretty touchy this autumn because of blasting along the Sylvan Pass road. I believe the pass will be closed for the season very soon.

Good luck,

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