Here's his route up the south side of The Pyramid:

And his description:
We started our climb up the south slopes about 1/3mile east of where the trail crosses back over mill creek to the South. The minor ridge which reaches the high point just to the SW of 10,204 is timbered in its lower reaches, has about 200 feet of scree and then traverses through two sections of class 3 cliffs (mostly class 2 with a couple of exposed moves).T he walking was fairly good for being a steep slope (~35 degrees or so) - pretty much a mix of everything. The scree was a pain and there wasn't any brush due to the fire. Where that had burned away, the dust was terrible and the ground was like sand.
Regarding The Pyramid Mountain Trail, Brock has this to say:
The Pyramid Mountain Trail is terrible. The north aspects of each drainage had good trail, however. In this region of the Absarokas many of the southern aspects are steep grassy meadows and the trail becomes non-existent (much like the southern aspects of the Elbow Lake trail - you might recall the meadows being filled with Balsam Root flowers?) The only difference is that the trail up to Elbow Lake is maintained. The Pyramid trail is decidedly not maintained and I wouldn't advise that anyone use it, quite frankly. It is also a much longer trip in terms of miles. We had to use map and compass once we got to the top of each south-facing hill when coming back down. The fire only exacerbated the issue.